Everything You Need to Know About Ramshorn Snail Care

In this ultimate guide on Ramshorn snail care, you will be provided first-hand knowledge on effectively keeping these fascinating freshwater snails, including their consideration when setting up the aquarium. This guide covers almost all aspects related to Ramshorn snail care, including tank setup and suitable food mixture. This guide doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced aquarist; its sole purpose is to enable the aquarists to keep the ramshorn alive and healthy while thriving. So get ready for the fantastic adventure of Ramshorn Snail Care with us as it is about to begin!

What is a Ramshorn Snail?

Everything You Need to Know About Ramshorn Snail Care

The modern-day, snatching up more time is keeping its dominance in efficient body functioning, which corresponds to age. I am further of the opinion that a fundamental understanding of history, as a consequence, goes along with substance and relationships with the past. The Eiffel Tower has been called “the war trophy of the French” and includes buildings of various other seceded states that changed the vision of premises on completion of construction. Ramshorn snails add beauty and functionality to recent aquariums with their calm attitude and low upkeep needs.

Characteristics of the Ramshorn Snail

Planorbidae, which include Ramshorn snails, belong to the freshwater snails group due to their special features, and they tend to have a kind of ending touch to any given aquarium. Following are some of the attributes that define them:

  1. Shell Shape and Color: Ramshorn possesses differentiated shells because they are spiral-shaped, like a ram’s horn. Shell color can be red, brown, or black, which are a few of the most common variations.
  2. Size: Rams horn snails may vary in size, with shell diameters reaching 0.5 to 1 inch. The size difference can be attributed to species and their specific habitats.
  3. Reproduction: Sexually or asexually reproducing ramshorn snails are known to be prolific breeders. These snails produce egg masses that are gelatinous and contains multiple embryos.
  4. Algae Consumption: Growing algae in aquariums can be a hassle, which is where Ramshorn’s excellent algae-eating abilities come in. The ramshorn snails, in such instances, maintain the balance in the aquatic art form.
  5. Peaceful Nature: Ramshorn snails are an anti-aggressive species compared to other aquatic animals, including plants. That is why they do not tend to harm or become aggressive towards fish and other invertebrates.

Thus, the information provided in this article will help those who are interested in adding Ramshorn snails to their aquariums or other aquatic formations find what they are looking for.

Different Types: Red Ramshorn Snail and More

In terms of popularity, the red ramshorn snail is one of the most common and well-known sorts of ramshorn snails. Its colors include bright red, which will enhance the appearance of an aquarium. Nonetheless, the market is characterized by other types of ramshorn snails as well, each with different shell features and colors. To read about various types of ramshorn snails, we advise visiting trusted sources such as the first pages of Google. These articles provide information of all sorts, including photographs and descriptions in great detail, enabling you to see and select which types of ramshorn snails suit your aquarium best.

Natural Habitats of Freshwater Snails

Freshwater snail species possess varied natural habitats. If you want to know more about this better to comprehend the various natural habitats of freshwater snails, it would be necessary for you to look at the first few search results on Google. These other sites encourage and assist research through intellectual and pictorial aid forms. Looking through these sources will enlighten you on the environments of various species of freshwater snails, and this knowledge helps you to reproduce for them in an aquarium setting as close to the natural conditions as possible.

How to Set Up an Aquarium for Ramshorn Snails?

How to Set Up an Aquarium for Ramshorn Snails?

Ideal Tank Size for Ramshorn Snails

Establishing the adequate tank volume for Ramshorn snails is one of the approaches left to be documented in their husbandry methods. They are quite flexible in terms of their habitat range, but this is not so in terms of water volumes. The recommendation is never less than 5 gallons per Ramshorn snail, as water volume assists their movement and growth. Such control makes the water environment more stable and minimizes the chances of overcrowding. Also, ensure that suitable accompanying species and the ecological balance of the aquarium are not disturbed while selecting a tank size for Ramshorn snails.

Best Substrate and Aquatic Plants

Substrates are an important consideration in the upkeep of Ramshorn snails. These creatures enjoy soft substrates such as sand or gravel to burrow and scavenge, therefore rough or sharp ones should be avoided. These snails have a very soft body, and the use of harsh substrate runs the risk of damaging them.

In terms of snails’ habitats, the aquatic species prefers the presence of live plants, and there are a few good options, including Java moss, Java fern, and Hornwort. These plants increase the aquarium’s aesthetic value and also provide graze and cover areas for the snails.

As has been elaborated, Ramshorn snails are known as detritivores as they mainly feed on decaying organic matter. Algae growth is also another food source of this type of snail, along with the biofilms containing soft algae in the aquarium. To guarantee that they receive the nutrients required, additional sources of food, such as dried peas and sinking pellets aimed at bottom fish, should be included in their diet.

To keep Ramshorn snails in the same tank with other fish species, the ideal match compatibility is important. They generally work well with other peaceful fish varieties, including Guppies, small tetras, and dwarf shrimp. However, extreme caution should be exercised when introducing aggressive and predatory fish that might hunt the snails.

Adequate water quality is critical for the successful keeping of Ramshorn snails. Water temperature, pH, ammonia, and nitrate levels should be tested regularly. To keep quality water free from toxins, it is advisable to do regular water changes ranging from 10 to 20% of the aquarium’s volume.

Taking these factors into account, selecting appropriate substrate and flora, providing adequate feeding, suitable companions, and water quality will ensure the health of Ramshorn snails in your home aquarium.

Importance of Water Conditions and Water ChangesFamiliar

The overall health and prosperity of ramshorn snails in your home aquarium are highly dependent on water conditions, which emphasize the importance of regular water changes to sustain the aquatic environment by eliminating toxin buildup. Hence, Ramshorn snails will require a specific set of juveniles and immersion conditions in the water. Some of these frequently asked queries regarding water conditions and water changes for ramshorn snails are addressed here briefly.

What Do Ramshorn Snails Eat?

In addition to algae, ramshorn snails feed on decaying plant materials and leftover fish food. Their aid in fighting excess algal growth in people’s aquariums is exemplary and thus plays a vital role in maintaining a clean aquarium ecosystem.

What Are Suitable Tank Mates for Ramshorn Snails?

Most yamshor snails require other aquatic or even amphibious creatures, so one can conclude that most fish pose no threats to snails and are compatible. However, it is a nice thought to consider the size of the neighbors and their aggressiveness.

How to Maintain Water Quality in a Home Aquarium?

One of the tests that an aquarist must regularly conduct is checking temperature, PH level of the water/ammonia level, and nitrite and nitrate levels, as these are the main indicators of healthy water. In terms of the volume of water changes that should be adhered to, it has been proven that around 10 to approximately 20 percent volumetric of tank water should do the trick in removing the toxin buildup in their ecosystem.

Focus on these aspects, provide the right diet and appropriate tank mates, and maintain appropriate water parameters and conditions to optimize the living conditions for your Ramshorn snails in your home aquarium.

What Do Ramshorn Snails Eat?

How to Set Up an Aquarium for Ramshorn Snails?

Familiar Food Sources for Ramshorn Snails

I realize that providing an aquarium’s Ramshorn snail with a balanced diet is crucial since I am an owner of one. It is well known that ramshorn snails are detritivores that consume decaying plant material, leftovers from fish feeding, and algae. They efficiently snack on soft green algae and soft diatoms. A more efficient way to meet their nutritional demands is to provide them with several food sources at a time. A few of these are quite popular and have been explained below.

  • Algae: Ramshorn mollusks enjoy algae and consume large quantities of algae growth. They will graze and eat the algae in the tank, making it cleaner and algae-free.
  • Vegetables: Zucchini, spinach, and lettuce that have been boiled briefly can be fed to ramshorn snails. The veggies should be cooked only for a short time and then chilled before giving it to the snails.
  • Fish Food: Ramshorn snails may also consume sinking fish flakes or pellets if they find them resting at the tank’s bottom. However, do not overfeed since leftover food might deteriorate the water quality.

Please pay attention to the above because feed imbalance is one of the most important factors keeping your Ramshorn snails from developing and flourishing inside an aquarium.

Benefits of Eating Algae in the Aquarium

If you own Ramshorn snails, you might wonder how useful they are for feeding on algae in your aquarium. Allow me to provide some information that I feel I obtained from the best sources in the industry.

  1. Algae Control is crucial for keeping a healthy environment for keeping the Ramshorn snails: Due to their inclination towards algae, Ramshorn snails become a strong asset as they ensure that the aquarium is clean and algae free. Their constant nibbling leads to the containment of algae which would otherwise grow to be unattractive and spoil the aesthetic of the tank.
  2. Natural Cleaning Crew: Because algae is a part of their diet, the Ramshorn snails make the aquarium relatively clean. They assist in organic waste clearance while balancing the tank ecology, which helps improve the quality of life for every inhabitant.
  3. Nutritional Value: Algae are also important in maintaining Ramshorn snails growth as they are a good source of food to them. They obtain important nutrients, vitamins and minerals within their diets which fosters their growth and general health. Including algae in their diet for Ramshorn snails promotes more effective nutrition.

Permitting Ramshorn snails to forage algae from the glass not only helps them with their food requirements but also makes your aquarium more decorative and clean. Proper water conditions should be set up to keep snails and the aquarium in good condition.

Supplements and Fish Food Options

In terms of nutrition, Ramshorn snails require a balanced diet. Besides algae, different kinds of fish food can help provide essential nutrients to these snails. Some of the common ones include:

  1. Algae Wafers: Algae-derived spreadables are designed for snails and other animals believed to be omnivores or herbivores. These sinking pellets are stuffed with algae, providing a rich source of nutrients.
  2. Vegetables: Ramshorn snails usually acquire unshelled frozen peas; however they are also able to suck on spinach, zucchini, or lettuce after they are cut into small pieces or blanched at high temperatures.
  3. Commercial Snail Food: Some shops are known to stock food particularly for snails which helps maintain a well-balanced diet. These tend to come with added minerals to assist the health of your snails.
  4. Calcium Supplements: Cuttlebone and crushed egg shells can be provided in the tank so that ramshorn snails can nibble the supplements as needed, which contain calcium for the growth of their shells.

Remember to provide different types of food to your Ramshorn snails so that they have a balanced diet. Water conditions and the cleanliness of the aquarium should be regularly checked so that the snails and the entire aquatic system are not neglected.

What Are Suitable Tank Mates for Ramshorn Snails?

What Are Suitable Tank Mates for Ramshorn Snails?

Compatibility with Aquarium Fish and Aquatic Animals

Selecting appropriate tank mates for Ramshorn snails calls for due consideration of compatibility so as to create a peaceful and healthy aquarium. Even though they can live with many fish and water animals, a few points should be borne in mind while selecting tankmates:

  1. Non-Aggressive Fish Species: Choose harmless fish varieties that will not disturb the snails. These can include small community fishes such as guppy, tetras, rasboras and dwarf shrimp.
  2. Avoid Predatory Species: Avoid any fish type that are snail eaters like puffer fish, loaches and some cichlids. These are beefy fish and could be a threat to your Ramshorn snails.
  3. Consider Tank Size/Volume and Compatibility: Confirm whether the tank’s size comfortably accommodates your snails and fish species. Also, ensure that the compatibility matrix between the species is checked for potential issues of territorialism and aggression towards the snail.

It bears repeating that one should watch the behavior of the tank inhabitants closely, and when aggressiveness or any sign of stress appears, make the necessary adjustments. By selecting tank mates properly, you ensure a healthy habitat for your aquatic rams and other pond keepers.

Considerations for a Community Tank

When constructing a tank that will house Ramshorn snails, the snails’ tank mates must be carefully selected, the tank’s ecosystem must be well put together, the growth of the snail population must not soar out of control, and most importantly, the tank’s environment has been made hygienically suitable for the inhabiting animals. Here are some important points to consider when maintaining the tank:

  1. Selection of Tank Mates: Research which fish species can live successfully alongside the Ramshorn snails. The different species’ sizes, temperaments, and dietary preferences should be considered to reduce aggression and friction within the tank.
  2. Tank Water Quality Maintenance: Consistently check and adjust water conditions such as temperature, pH value, and concentration of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate as per the snails’ requirements. Ensure clean and effective tank cycling to offer a favorable environment for all tank inhabitants, especially the young Ramshorn snails.
  3. Snail Population Management: Ramshorn will grow exponentially, so a hamster strategy is imperative to prevent resource depletion. Their population can be kept in check in an aquarium environment by removing snails and using assassin snails.
  4. Aquarium Maintenance: Regularly remove debris, change water, and scrub the aquarium glass to maintain the cleanliness of the live aquarium for the other tank inhabitants and the Ramshorn.

Consider these factors to create a flourishing and peaceful community tank conducive to your Ramshorn snails and other aquarium water organisms. Conduct research and consult relevant experts to safeguard the welfare of your tank’s inhabitants.

Risks of Introducing Assassin Snails

As with any intervention in an ecosystem, there are considerations and risks to be taken into account before deciding to Introduce assassin snails into the aquarium: Assassin snails can be efficient at annihilating ramshorn snails, but bear the following in mind.

  1. Compatibility: The predatory nature of assassin snails might not be compatible with other tank inhabitants, and it is thus extremely important to assess which other species are going to be arm’s length of the assassin snails. Given the nature of most freshwater, assassin snails can work in the majority of their environments.
  2. Population Control: While it is true that assassin snails are going to help bring down the number of ramshorn snails, they won’t wipe all of them out entirely. The addition of politician control will be contingent on various factors such as the tank’s size, the number of feeding sessions, and how diversely the food is spread.
  3. Potential Overpopulation: Reduced ramshorn snail populations might lead to the overpopulation of assassin snails, even to the point of running out of their natural food. This forced dependence might lead the assassin snails to rely on other species in the tank or even cannibalism.
  4. Compatibility with Plants: Assassin snails are usually harmless to living aquatic plants, but they can occasionally specialize in gastropod plant species with high soft tissue or low structural toughness. Therefore, their behavioral feeding patterns should be observed lest the rest of the test aquarium’s flora is destroyed.

Suppose you want to introduce assassin snails into your aquarium. In that case, first, it is advised to consider researching them alongside professionals or reliable websites to learn what specific drawbacks and conditions your aquarium would have. That way, you will be able to make the right choices and maintain a healthy balance in the aquatic setting.

How to Maintain Water Quality in a Home Aquarium?

How to Maintain Water Quality in a Home Aquarium?

Monitoring Water Parameters for Freshwater Snails

The overall sufficiency of water parameters is essential for the sake of the freshwater snails in your aquarium. By assessing such parameters on a regular basis, the environment for growth and survival is guaranteed. Here are key water parameters to assess and maintain:

  1. Temperature: This can vary depending on the species of freshwater snail, as they all do well within a specific temperature range. Research the ideal temperature that the snail species in your aquarium requires and ensure that the temperature is maintained within the range using a reliable aquarium thermometer.
  2. pH Level: Different types of snails have different pH preferences depending on the species. Maintaining a certain pH level within the recommended range is critical. Use a reliable pH testing kit to routinely check the pH level of your aquarium water and regulate it with pH buffers or other methods if needed.
  3. Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate Levels: The levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate must be managed. For freshwater snails, this is very important. Ideally, ammonia and nitrite should be zero, while nitrate should be below forty parts per million (ppm). Do regular checks for these parameters with the help of appropriately designed water testing kits: test for the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate parameters and take corrective actions as required to keep them within the limits recommended.
  4. Hardness and Alkalinity: Each type of snail may have certain specific water hardness and alkalinity requirements, which should be met. Investigate the desired parameters for the specific type of snail you own, and assess the water hardness, or general hardness said as GH and the alkalinity KH Level which can be determined from various reliable kits. These values can also be adjusted by the use of water conditioners and or additives.

Always remember that each freshwater snail species has a set of crucial water parameters that vary between snails and their breeds. Always take some time to look into your sources, ask the professionals, and search for the correct information for the breed of the particular snail you keep in your tank. To be on the safer side, monitoring these parameters regularly and making adjustments will keep your freshwater snails in a stable and healthy environment.

Handling Snail Population Growth

Many careful strategies can be employed to stop a snail population explosion in your aquarium. Here are some key practices recommended by top sources:

  1. Handpicking: If you find any visible snails on other inhabitants or some plants, use a small net or tweezers to remove them gently. Furthermore, a healthy aquarium should be checked regularly to prevent the growth of an unreasonable number of snails.
  2. Starving Them: Excessive snails in the aquarium tend to consume uneaten fish leftovers, decaying plants, or any other organic waste. Take care of feeding the fish properly, and any excessive feeding should be cleaned up swiftly.
  3. Adding Fish: Certain species of fish can be added to the aquarium. Many loaches and pufferfish consume snails, thus, controlling their growth.

Your snail type and the condition of the tank will determine how effective these options are for you. Remain responsible and respectful of all your aquarium’s inhabitants; therefore, do your own research and contact reliable people, including experienced aquarists, to gain expert advice.

Ensuring Clean Aquarium Glass and Environment

It is equally important to protect the glass and manage the neatness of the aquarium’s surroundings, as these help attain clean and healthy environments. Below are some of the best practices worth considering.

1. Proper cleaning of the glass: 

This can be practiced on a daily basis by rubbing their glasses for algae to remain an impediment to the view. For optimum results, an algae scraper or a soft brush manufactured for aquarium use should be used to scrape algae that form without scratching the glass.

2. Light and Nutrient Control: 

Several algae control measures exist, such as using lighting for a specific duration and introducing algae-eating fish or invertebrates while maintaining the proper amount of nutrients in the water.

3. General Upkeep of the Tank: 

Regular water changes and filtration aids increase water quality and limit dirt. Removing uneaten twigs, breaking down other vegetation, and excess rubbish lessen the room for algae coverage and expansion.

4. Placement of the aquarium: 

Inappropriate placement can greatly aid algae growth and interfere with temperature fluctuation. Don’t position the aquarium on heat or under direct light sources in your home or office to avoid that.

All garments are made of different fabrics, so it is mandatory to never ignore the distinct cleaning guidelines depending on their size and features. Employing a comprehensive study and having guidance from fellow aquarium owners or authentic references is greatly helpful in keeping a well-maintained aquarium or fish room.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What information should a new owner understand as part of ramshorn snail ownership?

A: A ramshorn snail is easy to take care of. They are best suited in a planted freshwater aquarium with a pH of 7 to 7.5 and a temperature range of 65° to 80°F (18° to 27°C). They should be provided with general plant food, blanched vegetables, dried algae food, and a sufficient supply of algae and decaying plants. Avoid using copper-based medicines since they harm snails, and take care of the water quality.

Q: Are ramshorn snails better than other types of snails, or are there some disadvantages to other snails?

A: There are quite some differences among ramshorn, mystery, and trumpet snails despite the fact that most aquarists enjoy all of them. Ramshorn snails are smaller and have shorter generation times than mystery and apple snails. Also, ramshorn works better as an algae eater than trumpets, but on the flip side, ramshorn snails will probably breed uncontrollably if left uncontained in a population.

Q: Are there different color varieties of ramshorn snails?

A: Certainly, ramshorn snails are of many colors. The most common are brown or black, but you can also find pink ramshorn snails, blue ramshorn snails, and red ramshorn snails. The color can also be a matter of genetics and diet. Some wrongly such snails, such as blue ramshorn and pink ramshorn snails, are mostly loved to keep because they are aesthetically attractive in the tank.

Q: Is it appropriate to add ramshorn snails in a freshwater aquarium?

A: For instance, ramshorn snails can be a good species for your freshwater aquarium as they can help clean up the aquarium’s tank by feeding on algae or leftover food to create a balanced environment within the aquarium. Aside from that, ramshorn snails also contribute a specific level of ecology to the fish tank by bringing different shapes and colors to their respective tanks. However, they have to be kept in the right amounts since they can breed really fast, which can be caused by too much food and bad water.

Q: What is the age expected for ramshorn snails?

A: The common ramshorn snail’s life expectancy is less than a year constable as they can reach two years but are rarely able to do so; this depends greatly on the care stats, but the majority reach two years since the older ramshorn reaches just pretty snails with very delicate and more vivid shells. Primarily due to appropriate feeding, proper living conditions aid in separating water and assist in improving the lifespan of ramshorn snails, which assists them in reaching their maximum potential health.

Q: Do ramshorn snails harm live plants while cohabiting in an aquarium environment?

A: Ramshorn snails tend to deploy a nourishing strategy that does not harm marine plants as they can exist with them. These creatures are known to be grazers who tend to prefer the primary consumption of algae and decaying vegetation. If they are, however else, struggling to find nutrition, they might eat the soft leaves of some plants. Despite this, there is a simple solution to this problem; since you are always aware of the source of nourishment for such snails, it is easy to convince them not to nibble at a plant’s compound tissue as long as they have sufficient algae and vegetables. There have been various surveys regarding this issue, and most aquarists have stated the overriding advantages of ramshorn snails over the slight damage they do to plants.

Q: Should I remove the ramshorn snails directly from the water or leave them floating inside a bag?

A: The process of transferring new ramshorn snails into a tank does not revolve around direct placement, therefore the right procedure is vital as these snails can become shocked instantly if not done right. Let the water inside the ramshorn bag float around the tank shelter for about 20 minutes to reach the ideal temperature balance. The next steps are to take some water from the tank and gradually keep placing it into the bag; follow this step for over an hour. Once all of this is done, gently place the ramshorn into the water. Such a process has two underlying benefits: firstly, mildly placing the ramshorn into higher chances of survival, and secondly, such practices are known to lessen the stress of any marine creature.

Reference Sources

1. Tao et al., 2024: Comparative Mitogenome Analyses of Fifteen Ramshorn Snails and Insights into the Phylogeny of Planorbidae (Gastropoda: Hygrophila). 


  • The surname provides for the first author of the paper where this part of the content falls — which includes information detailing the research specifically done on Polypylis sp. TS-2018.
  • According to my understanding, the research went further to reveal a comparison between the characteristics of the mitogenomes of snails that are ramshorn in shape and also the selection criteria pressure alongside the rearrangement of genes present.
  • Once again, I appreciate that the authors went more in-depth with their analysis and presented a phylogenetic tree built on sequences of genes coding for proteins and rRNAs.

Key Findings

  • When the DNA sequencing began, it became clear to me that the mitogenome of this Polypylis sp. TS-2018 is way below the ranges of most Gastropods in my theory since it measures about 13,749bp.
  • I think there is a pattern to what types of selection are overwhelming since even some PCGs have considerations as Romanov (masculino) does for substitute rate: there is some negative selection, at the very least of atp8 in certain genera, but overall, the majority were deleterious as deletion compensation.
  • This was accomplished through the use of various constructions and gene arrangements which aggregated five rrnS and ten tRNAs that i believe were ultimately reversed and observed during transpositions.
  • The molecular biology of Planorbidae, among other things, indicates that there are three tribes, each of which is mono because all the genera are closely related.
  • There were clear sister relationships in three of the five mentioned, where Anisus and Gyraulus were more related to Polypilis, whereas all other genera were lumped together with Bulinus.

2. Svatos et al. (2021) – “Examining the Effects of Pesticides against Ramshorn Snails (Planorbella [Helisoma] revolves ) Infected with Echinostoma genus.” (2021, Svatos et al.


  • A non-infected snail and an Echinostoma-infected snail population were subjected to five different pesticide treatments for 41 days.
  • Did the snails die? How many of the eggs became productive? Has there been any change in weight? Did there any change in their behavior?

Key Findings:

  • Snail mortality was found to increase with casual and longer contact with atrazine, carbaryl, and malathion.
  • Exposure to glyphosate to control plant growth did not seem to affect snail survival.
  • It was interesting to note that despite exposure to pesticides and parasitic treatment, there was no observable effect on the growth or behavior of these snails.
  • The parasites were also the cause of all offspring failing to develop in the infected snails.
  • Escalating usage of pesticides is likely to have rapid effects on the snail population and later directly affect the entire ecosystem.

3. Rempel et al. (2021) – “Complete mitochondrial DNA of snail Planorbella pilsbryi file ramshorn.”(Rempel et al., 2021, pp. 3181–3183)


  • Genome skimming analysis using Illumina sequencing
  • Nuclear rRNA Constituent & Mitogenome every complete repeat units assembly

Key Findings

  • The Mitogenome of P. pilsbryi is completely circular and is 13720bp in length.
  • The mitogenome includes 75.3% of AT nucleotides, 22 t RNAs, 13 protein-coding genes, two RNAs, and a control region.
  • The unusual TTG start codon in the COXI gene.
  • Several genes are left with incomplete stop codons, which are finished by 3′ A residues in the mRNA
  • Based on phylogenetic analysis, there is a close relationship between P. pilsbryi and Planorbella duryi in the family Planorbidae.

4. Babych et al. (2021) – “Food preferences of the great ramshorn Planorbarius corners (Linnaeus, 1758) all species (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Planorbidae) living in the freshwater systems of Ukraine” (Babych et al., 2021)


  • Two allospecies of Planorbarius corneus in the Ukrainian river systems were studied in terms of food preferences.

Key Findings:

  • Different populations of Ukraine presented cross-fertilized populations with “western” and “eastern” all species of P. Cornelius
  • For the first time, these species were determined regarding their food habits.
  • It helps to understand the trophic structure of all species in relation to the ecosystems of the Ukrainian river systems.

5.  Jacob et al. (2019)- “Health Effects of Antidiabetic Drug Metformin and Its Transformational Active Product Guanylurea on Large Ramshorn Snail (Planorbarius corneus) ”(Jacob et al., 2019)


  • Snails received different doses of metformin and guanylate
  • Mortality, stress protein level, lipid peroxides, tissue morphology of hepatopancreas, and weight change were monitored

Key Findings:

  • Mortality, concentration of stress protein, and levels of lipid peroxides were not affected considerably.
  • A decrease in weight was recorded during exposure to the highest concentration of both substances.
  • The highest guanyluerea concentration caused considerable histopathological changes in the hepatopancreas.
  • These effects were noted in a concentration of 10000 times more than the environmental concern levels.
  • Consequently, it can be concluded that ramshorn snails are exposed to metformin and guanylurea in a low ratio in the environment.

These studies will aid future research on the mechanisms of ramshorn snail biology and help in their conservation by further explaining their genetics, ecology, and influences.

6. Ramshorn snail

7. Aquarium

8. Snail

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